
This is a perfectly natural emotion. Having said that, it can be one of the most challenging to experience. It is usually felt as a result of –

  • death of a family member, friend, pet or someone “close” to us
  • separation or divorce
  • diagnosis of a health situation
  • letting go of something important to someone
  • changes in work situations eg. unfair dismissal, unemployment, redundancy
  • health change due to an accident or illness
  • miscarriage or infertility
  • having a child with “challenges”, serious illness, mental health situation or an addiction
  • moving away or separation from family or friends
  • challenging family dynamics
  • community, national or global events such as bushfires, floods…and even of recent past with the COVID19.

Often it involves intense sadness, and sometimes feelings of shock and numbness, or even denial and anger. All these emotions and many more are part of the process of healing. It is something which affects everyone differently. As challenging as these may be, it is imperative to experience them all – by suppressing them can create mental, emotional, physical and spiritual situations in themselves.

Grief has no set pattern. It is expressed differently across different cultures. Some people like to be expressive and public with their emotions, while some internalise. Just as people are different, so is the amount of time for an individual to reset. By doing so means they may still be missing the person, pet or experience, however, it means they are able to continue in some way with their life – gradual adjustments are most beneficial. During this time, it is understandable that people can feel quite changeable within themselves – crying one moment and laughing the next … wishing to be alone and almost wanting to be with others so they are “not alone”.

It goes without saying that it takes patience and understanding to be with people who are grieving. During those times of anger, guilt and fear, often the person can (most times unintentionally) direct their feelings to someone who is doing their best to help. It is of course easy to say not to be affected by or hurt by such actions – often it can be disillusioning.

Knowing “how” to help, some suggestions are listed below –

Bach/Australian Bush Flower Remedies/Homeopathics are Answered Prayers anytime, particularly during such deepfelt times. Taken in the form of drops, applied either topically or in mist form – even holding the bottle is 90% of taking the Remedy itself. With the subtle healing properties of such flowers as Bach Flowers, Rock Rose or the always Amazing Rescue Remedy 30c. With Australian Bush Flower Remedies, Red Suva Frangipani and for the aspect of deep held sadness, Sturt Desert Pea, Homeopathics answer to acute grief is Ignatia.

“Healing” Teas –

  • Chamomile                                                                                       
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint

Would love to speak with you as to how these and many more Modalities can assist yourself or someone you care about through the rollercoaster of grief. There is the opportunity of a 20mins Introductory Consultation click here to learn more.

My contact is either phone by phone/sms on 0413 933 814 or email –

As always for those under the care of conventional or complementary Practitioners, any changes, etc are to be under supervision.

Grateful as always of your time and energy.

Namaste Chris x

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