“Lice Rid” – Homeopathic First Aid Kits
There are 3 types of lice that live off humans – head, pubic and body lice.
Head lice
“Chilling” thought really … if you have children and you have ever received the head lice note come home from school, you will definitely relate – it is a nightmare! Natural Therapies, in particular your “Lice Rid” Homeopathic Remedy will be an Answered Prayer and excellent preventative. For more about Homeopathic First Aid Kit, click here to learn more.
Firstly, some information – head lice are tiny insects that feed on blood from the human scalp. Head lice most often affect children as they are in such close contact playing, sharing hats, sports equipment, etc. The insects usually spread from one person’s hair to another. By having head lice does not reflect lack of personal hygiene or lack of unkempt hair. It has been said, “lice love clean hair.” That really is not much consolation, however.
Symptoms –
- Itching – mostly on the scalp, neck and ears. This is an allergic response to louse bites. can lead to small, red bumps. These may become infected with bacteria.
- Lice on scalp – may not be easy to see as they are small, avoid light and move quickly. Usually a tan/greyish in colour.
- Lice eggs (nits) on hair shafts – these are easiest to find around the ears and hairline of the neck. “Empty” nits maybe more noticeable as they are lighter in colour and further away from the scalp. Just because there are nits, does not indicate there are live lice.
- Sores on the scalp, neck and shoulders – continual scratching can lead to infection due to the bacteria.
Often mistaken for nits – dandruff, residue from hair products beads of dead hair tissue on hair shaft, scabs, dirt or other debris, other small insects (lice do not jump or fly).
Stages of a louse cycle
- Eggs – hatch after 6 to 9 days.
- Nymphs – immature forms of louse develop into mature adults after 9 to 12 days.
- Adult lice – which can live for 3 to 4 weeks. The female louse lays 6 to 10 eggs each day.
How they transmit – usually through direct contact or the use of shared objects such as pillows, towels, upholstery, brushes, combs, hair accessories, headphones, hats and scarves.
Treatment – There are many mainstream chemical based shampoos, solutions which can be bought and applied. Many have a very pungent smell and can leave the hair straw-like.
Natural Approach
- “Lice Rid” from your Homeopathic First Aid Kit.
Dosage –Treatment – dissolve 3 -7 pills (depending on size/of person or animal) under the tongue every ½ to 4 hourly depending on the severity. Prevention – dissolve 3-7 pills (depending on the size of person or animal) under the tongue each month. These pillules are loaded with Pediculus humanus and Ledum with increased potencies. It’s extraordinary how these can make such a positive difference. Click here to learn more.
- ‘A few drops of Pure Lavender or Tea Tree oil on the hair and comb through daily. Lice do not like either of these – an excellent preventative.
- Olive and Anise oil mixed together and applying to hair to help suffocate the lice.
- Application of Coconut oil to hair to help suffocate the lice.
Body Lice
This type of lice is the only variety which are known to spread disease. Body lice do feed off human blood like other forms of lice, however, they don’t actually reside on the body. Instead, body lice lay their eggs on or near the seams of clothing (usually around the armpits or waist)and bedding and simply crawl onto the skin several times a day to feed. They too form in 3 different stages (egg/nit, nymph/young louse and adult louse).
Symptoms –
Itching – the bites can cause sores which can become infected with bacteria or fungi, creating secondary infections. For those who have been challenged with body lice infestation for an extended period of time, the waist to upper thigh area may become thickened and discoloured blue-grey due to the bites. This is known as vagabond’s disease.
Treatment – please refer to above mentioned “Lice Rid” notes.
Pubic Lice
Symptoms –
- Itching – around the genitals or anal area, especially at night when the lice are most active.
- Tiny small blue spots – around the genitals.
- Spots of blood or fine, gritty debris – in the underwear
- Visible lice or tiny eggs – in the pubic hair.
Treatment – please refer to above mentioned “Lice Rid” notes.
If you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact on either phone 0413 933 814 or email – chris@natureheals.com.au.
As always for those under the care of conventional or complementary Practitioners, any changes, etc are to be under supervision.
Grateful as always of your time and energy.
Namaste Chris x