Dreams Come True….

I had an inspiration to work overseas…it materialised just a few weeks ago (March 2018) …what better place to go to the Spiritual Centre England, UK? Icons such as St Paul’s Cathedral and the enchanting mix of Coventry Garden surround the London Natural Health Centre, Holborn which was our base. A beautiful old terrace building, filled with Familiarity..like a Journey back in time. Tastefully and harmoniously decorated, so excited to be here doing Past Life Regression, Psychic Readings and Energetic Healing.

From London travelling through the myriad of roads, old and “new”, driving a couple of hours to Salisbury, Wiltshire….only about 45 minutes away from mystical Stonehenge. With Magnetic Energy, reinforced by the Energy of some 4,500 years or more.

With the crispness of 4 degrees C, the air was euphoric with the sense of Wisdom and Sacred Geometry. It would seem as though there is still a mystery as to how and why Stonehenge was built. Thoughts and perceptions of being an ancient temple for the Druids, burial grounds or a Calendar of the Sun…Sadly many of the “stones” have fallen. Still, the Stone Circle hold a presence. With the remains of buried treasure, pottery, jewellery and human remain.

Stonehenge, World Heritage site, is a Spiritual Haven where many gather to absorb the silence and wonder. On the Autumn and Spring Solstice, it draws thousands of people from all over the world, to experience the sunrise or sunset appearing through the “arch” of the main stones – How amazing.

Avebury, a small village about an hour North is believed to be even older, dating back 5,000 years or more, with it’s 86 Stones …Simplicity and yet Magnificence – so fascinating as to what civilisations understood about Energy, Mathematics, Sacred Geometry, Astrology…Honouring Ancient Wisdom.



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