Studying for Exams? Help is here..

At this time of the year, many Students are preparing for Exams, completing Assignments or Practical projects ……. It can seem Overwhelming..”What to study? How long for? Which subject first?” Underlying Fears….”What if I can’t remember? What if I fail? What will my family think of me?” Anger …. “I never wanted to do this Course anyway, just trying to please everyone else”… All of these and more can be thought, said or felt …. totally understandable..
Apart from important aspects such as adequate sleep, time set aside for fun, physical activity …. to help the body and mind… then there is Emotional Balance.
Here at Working with Nature to make a Difference, my Focus is Emotional Balance …. By using Natural Therapies and Spiritual Healing I am looking to bring the Mind, Body and Spirit into Harmony.
There are many forms of Healing to help with Emotional Balance –
For Calming – Energetic Healing – Reiki/Crystal Healing/Quantum Vibrational Healing. These modalities help balance the Chakras (the energy fields within the body) , Clear the Aura and bring the healing benefits of the individual Crystals. The crystal, Selenite, whilst very fragile…is very beautiful and radiates harmony, brings relief to muscles and helps with sleep. Even a piece about 5cms under a bed will make a difference.
For Focus – From a Crystal perspective, Fluorite is excellent for the intellect. Citrine for Optimism, Carnelian for Courage… keeping a piece of any of the above in a study area, on a desk, in a pocket will help maintain Positive energy.
For Absorbing/Interpreting/Retaining and Recalling information, here at Working with Nature to Make a Difference, in Cronulla, I make a specific combination of either Bach or Australian Bush Flower Remedies to help with the associated feelings…
The “Vibrational” (healing) properties of individual Flowers can help with emotions of Overwhelm (Paw Paw), Fear of Rejection (Illawarra Flame Tree), Focus to the task (Jacaranda), Interpreting, Storing and Recalling pieces of information (Bush Fuchsia) and more in the Australian Bush Flower Remedies. I call this Remedy, “Concentration”.
Bach Rescue Remedy is a well known “Lifesaver” with its the combination of Clematis (Being in the Moment), Impatiens (Patience), Star of Bethlehem (Calm), Rock Rose (Courage), Cherry Plum (Feel more self control). By taking a dose of Bach or Australian Bush Flower Remedies first thing in the morning and lastly before bed over 2 weeks will be very beneficial.
For additional help, doses can be taken every 30 minutes in situations of shock, exams, etc for a couple of hours or hourly, etc. It is the frequency of the doses which brings extra balance, the number of drops remains the same. In fact when studying, suggest taking “a dose” before starting to read through your notes and a dose immediately after as it will help “lock-in” the information, making it easier to recall the information in the future.
A 25 mls of either “Concentration” or “Bach Rescue Remedy” is $20, 100 mls being $60. To arrange your bottle of Examination Magic, please contact me directly by Phone 0413 933 814 or order directly through the booking page.