About Chris
My commitment to you is Professionalism, Understanding, Confidentiality and Care. I am dedicated to your Progress and Wellbeing. Looking forward to the opportunity of helping you as we Work With Nature to Make a Difference!

my story
My own life’s journey has brought me to working with people in different ways. Initially serving as a member of the NSW Police Force for 9 years, then in the Events and Tourism industries, to counselling, helping/healing family and friends during the past 30 years.
Experiencing the Bach Flower Remedies and Australian Bush Flower Essences has amazed and inspired me with their healing properties – both physically and emotionally. With my passion to help myself, others and learn more, I have dedicated many years to studying Bach Remedies, Australian Bush Flower Essences, Past Life Regression, Animal Healing, Spiritual Healing, Crystal Healing, Ear and Body Candling and Reiki. As a result of my passion, I have become a Practitioner in these modalities.
I also do Psychic/Tarot Readings and connect with those in Spirit in the form of Mediumship.
Committed to adding to my skills, I have just recently attained my Diploma in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and currently studying Homeopathy – Gratitude for opportunities.
It is said “Everything we experience has a hidden benefit” which I have found to be the case, as a result of my own challenges and difficulties. Each part of my journey has taken me to the next integral stage and connected me to the Universal source.
Have you ever heard the saying, “People come into your Life for a Reason, Season or a Lifetime?” People come to us with many different skills, backgrounds, opinions and their unique personality. Connecting with people who are similar and at times, quite different to our own personality, beliefs, etc, gives a chance to observe and respect. It is not necessary that we always agree. Each person has given me an opportunity to learn, for which I am very grateful.
I look forward to connecting with you.
In 1912, Welsh- born, Dr Edward Bach qualified as a General Practitioner. He also conducted an intense study into bacteriology, immunology and homeopathy and found a strong connection between chronic and acute disease and negative mental attitudes. Further research confirmed the link between harmonious emotions and the physical body.
His incredible sensitivity and intuition led him to create a safe, simple and non-invasive method of healing using the energy from flowers. This change in outlook brought a new understanding of the impact that emotions had on people’s health. Some 50 years later, Naturopath and Homeopath, Ian White, released the first of the Australian Bush Flower Essences range. People and animals all over the world have benefited from these remedies.